Nurturing creativity in any organisation is a very pertinent issue. It leads to increase in productivity and also adds value to the product brand.
1.What do we mean by creativity
Before going in detail, let us understand what do we mean by creativity?
The creativity is the ability to produce new things using skills or imagination. The famous synonyms of creativity are inventions, creativeness, imagination and ingenuity.
On the other hand, creative mindset is the one that sees information practically from the world around it and relates it to their experiences and existing knowledge in order to create. Also, a creative mindset gives a new meaning to your approach, your life, creative endeavours and almost everything you do.
As per, a creative mindset opens up a plethora of opportunities and possibilities. Once the process of creative thinking becomes a part of one’s life, they are able to relish the creative process and embrace innovative thinking.
As per, the definition of creativity was given as below:
“ Creativity is a process, in a completely new manner and something original comes into existence, a form of behaviour, in which a person insists routine answers, tolerates and even seeks out the ambivalence, insecurity and vagueness that may serve as a basis for a new order.”
2. Why nurturing creativity is vital for any organisation?

In modern day, creativity is emerging as a major tool to drive and enhance business.This makes nurturing creativity more imperative to suit the changing business scenarios.
As per the book,” Flight of Creative Classes”, written by Richard Florida, in United States of America alone, 50% of the money is earned by creative people, which constitute only 30% of the workforce. Thus, being creative is no more a whimsical, fanciful proposition .Rather, it is now the order of the day and a major business tool.
Nigel Colin(reference, in his articles “How to lead your creative people: why that is important and what to do about it"; avers that being creative is the only way to drive and sustain business, in modern times.
3.The challenges before leaders with respect to nurturing creativity in their organisations.
It must be borne in mind that if you think that recruiting creative people is the only way to enhance the output in your organisation, you are grossly mistaken. Even the self-driven, highly creative people need be managed, for full utilization of their creative potential.
Further, the entire workforce in organisation may not be creative.
A survey was conducted to know that how many people understood that creativity must be nurtured at workplace. It was found out that 90% of them replied in affirmation. Another question put to them was “Are they creative at work on a day to day basis.” Surprisingly, only 17% of them replied in “yes”. It means 83% of the people admitted that they did not use creativity as business tool to further the business interests of their organisation.
Hence, it is clear from the above that a major chunk of the workforce (83%), is supposed to be non-creative. The real challenge before leaders is to change the mindset of these 83% people, so that they are in tune with the business interests of their organisation, by adopting creative attitude. Also, efforts must continue for driving the maximum potential of creative people in the organisation.
The next question arises whether the non-creative people in an organisation, which consists of majority, 83% as above, may be transformed into creative group. The author is of the opinion that the answer to this question is a big “yes”.
As per, creativity skills may be learned and developed. Creativity begins with a foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering a certain way of thinking.
4.Six tips for nurturing creativity in your organisation
The author has pondered over the question and came out with the following six suggestions for nurturing creativity in an organisation.

- Align the employees with business goals of the organisation, followed by employees solving the problems
Aligning with goals should be the first step. After that has been done, they must be asked to solve the real problems that the organisation is facing. This may give a sense of belongingness, and also encourage them to give their best. - Encourage the divergent thinking among employees
Divergent thinking with emphasis on convergence of thoughts, actions, ideas and anything else towards achieving business interests should be strived.

- Allow people to do what they love to do
This may be accompanied by job-rotation to fit the person in a place which utilities his talent and potential. Talent mapping may be resorted to, by organisations. - Focus, focus and focus
It is better to say “no” to 1000 things at a time.
Rather, the main focus should be on the company goals. This may be achieved by making the life of employees, comfortable, so that they are able to contribute effectively. Focus means, focusing on the well being of employees. - Let employees take risks by experimenting new ideas
However, this should also be monitored, unless the efforts go in multi-directions, without any tangible results. - Applaud the contributions of creative employees
Contributions of creative employees are usually awarded by all the leaders.
However, the emphasis should be given on changing the mindset of non-creative employees by motivational training, skill enhancing programs and work-culture-change initiatives.
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