The author presents an overview of Hiring Veterans as a Talent Acquisition strategy. Veterans having proven skills, can be invaluable assets to an org...
Talent Acquisition strategies are very critical for any organization. They decide the future of its products, processes, marketing aspects, technology...
Having an effective talent acquisition strategy is of paramount significance for any organization, if it wants to tread on path of success. The author...
Having an efficient talent acquisition strategy is very important for any successful organisation. The author has made an attempt to elucidate the rea...
To many of us in HR, talent acquisition and recruitment are interchangeable with each other. Similarly , there is a general tendency to treat talent a...
Employee productivity is a metric that is determined based on the amount of output on a project versus the time it takes. Dr. Rai talks about employee...
The world has undergone a massive work-from-home experiment in the last few months. In this blog, Dr. D. Rai demystifies the phenomenon and gives sug...
Good metrics are the key to knowing the strengths and weaknesses of any business. HR metrics play an important role. The key to the success of every o...
HR Analytics or People Analytics?Workforce Analytics or Talent Analytics? This article analyzes the popularity and trends of these buzzwords in HR Ana...