Preparation of the final report in HR consulting is a vital aspect.
The final report for HR consulting enunciates in detail, the salient points of the work undertaken, along with the outcomes.Based on these outcomes, the client organisation may take definite actions to improve their efficiency.
For better understanding of this blog, it is suggested that readers may go through the following blogs, published earlier by us.
6 Steps for Doing Consulting in HR
6 Guidelines for Selecting an External Consultant in HR Training
There are two key partners in any business consulting work and HR consulting is no exception. These are the client and the consultant.
Client may be defined as the person or organisation entity who owns the business-related problem. it is the client, who refers the problems to an expert for its solution. It has also the responsibility of implementing the solution.
Consultant has been defined in the above blogs. However, to refresh the memory, it may be defined as person or organisation entity, which utilises the professional expertise available with them, for solving the problem referred to him, by the client. The final report is the inevitable outcome of the HR consulting work.
Below are given some guidelines for preparation of the final report by the consultant. It is to be noted here that the content of the final report may vary, depending upon the project, yet, more or less, the pattern shown here may be adopted in almost all the cases.
Executive Summary of the final report in HR consulting
As per WIKIPEDIA, an executive summary is a short document or a section of document, produced for the business purposes, that summarises a larger report or proposal or a group of related reports, in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material, without having to read it at all.
It usually contains the following
- Brief statement of the problem
- Brief background
- Brief analysis
- Main conclusions
Further, usually, it is prepared for CEOs or Organisation Heads, so that they can take decisions.
Introduction and background
Introduction is how the problem cropped up or how the two parties have agreed to undertake the project.
Objective of HR consulting
It must contain the clear-cut enunciation of the problem and the purpose behind the project.
Methodology adopted in HR consulting
It enunciates the process or mechanism or approach, adopted to solve the problem. It may also contain the scope of work along with the time span, resources etc. to be utilised.

The deliverable or final results must be mentioned clearly and these must be specific and measurable. It also must conform to usual norms adopted in the evaluation of the related area of HR. For example, if the consulting work is for training, it should reflect 4 levels of evaluation, reaction, learning, behaviour and results.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The conclusions must be distinct, and specific. Aesthetic conclusions should be avoided. Definite statements based on results should be provided. Conclusions may be made in a series of numbered points or in paragraph form. If there is one general complicated conclusion, the paragraph form will be probably better.
Recommendations should suggest further interventions. These may contain the following in general
- Changes in organisation
- A new method of measurement
- New policies and systems
- Changes in the existing system
- Ways to enhance the productivity
- Bottlenecks to be removed
- New work culture to be introduced
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