Being a highly productive professional is a very pertinent aspect in modern day world.

Let us understand what do we mean by being productive. Webster Dictionary defines the word “productive” as the following:
- Yielding results
- Having the quality or power of producing, especially in abundance
- Effective in bringing about (the desired outcome)
Professional(noun) on the other hand may be defined as a person, who works in a job that needs a high level of training and/or skill/education/expertise.
Thus, a highly productive professional is the one who is capable of yielding desired results/outcomes/benefits/profits in abundance, due to his systematic, appropriate and meticulous approach to work. Such people are known to outperform and execute a work in less time, and with quality.
Here are eight tips to transform yourself in a highly productive professional at workplace.
1. Make a “To Do” list, analyse critically

The first thing you must do is to prepare a checklist for work to be done on a particular day. It should be followed by prioritisation of each work, as per urgency. Also, each work must be broken into related activities.
A lot has been written about the above in HR books. However, the author feels that each project must be divided into critical aspects and non-critical aspects. Critical aspects are the ones, which need immediate redressal and execution. If the critical aspects are tackled, the project gets expedited. The effort must be made to identify these critical aspects of a project and efforts made to complete it first.
2. Devote the initial period of your office time to yourself
Each individual has his own “prime time” of working, when his energy level, mental tuning coherency is at its peak. You must plan major work during this period.
However, the author is of the opinion that after reaching office, a highly productive professional must complete the work, which he is himself supposed to do first.
3. Do the difficult job first
Each individual is fresh and full of energy in the initial period of office timing. This period should be devoted to doing the “most difficult” work. This is because, you may face many obstacles as the day progresses ahead.
4. Block those who waste your time
There are many individuals who start talking, gossiping and doing numerous such things after reaching office. If you are a boss, they may come to your chamber immediately after you reach office in one pretext or the other. Tell them to meet you after they have finished the most critical job, they have themselves to finish. In case, they have already finished their critical job or want your guidance in finishing it, discuss with them.
Best option is that everybody does first his difficult or critical job and then meets other people especially if they need some help or advice.
5. Introduce automation in work

Time may be saved by introducing automation in office. This may relate to payment of bills, circular for meetup, preparation of minutes for meetings and their distribution, registrations and on-line payment. Even the on-line-meetings may be held simultaneously among different locations, by using technology. Technology has become an order of the day and must be fully harnessed.
6. Use “Pomodoro” technique to be a highly productive professional
The “Pomodoro” technique is a time management method, developed by Fransisco Cirila in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to breakdown work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, supported by short breaks.
The technique has been found to be very useful and helps in doing work in deep zone and being highly productive.
7. Take breaks, when you get bored
No one can work continuously. The best option is to get head-long into the work and take a break, when you get bored.
Remember, if you get bored, it means you are on proper track. Creative solutions emerge only when you get bored. However, this boredom should not demotivate you.
During break, you can walk, sip a cup of coffee, just sit and relax. You may also ponder over how to do the job in a better way.
8. Don’t get trapped in web of communications
A good and effective communication is very critical for efficient working.
However, holding of meetings, sending of emails, correspondence, etc should always be done in fixed slots of the day. It should not happen that each and every one is busy in meetings, inter and intra-group discussions /communication throughout the day. Then how will the people do their own work. And, unless they do their own wok, how the organisation will flourish.
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